Analog electronics

Crownstone has a team of analog electronics experts that can help you out with your new challenge!

Crownstone Labs experts have a deep understanding of analog electronics. Whether there is a need for new development, redesign, or troubleshooting, we analyze the requirements and find possible solutions to any challenge that a company might face.


Our hardware portfolio

Our team of experts creates hardware modules for energy monitoring, indoor localization, intelligent dimming, and other modules that fit a typical Internet-of-Things product line.

power supply

Miniaturized power supplies

power measurement

High-frequency power measurements

power switch

High-power switching and dimming


Optimized wireless solutions

Miniaturized power supplies

Power supplies are designed to supply a range of precisely defined voltages and currents towards the on-board circuitry. This is under a variety of conditions. For example, we have a (switched mode) topology that allows a wide range of input frequencies (from AC in Europe and the US towards DC) and is still very efficient.

Our designs are robust with respect to a range of other conditions, be it thermal runaway, over-voltages, transient spikes, and all in an extremely miniaturized form factor and properly certified.

power supply

High-frequency power measurements

At Crownstone Labs we don’t only measure power on a level of seconds, but we’ve designed circuitry that allows us to measure voltage and current at high frequencies. Frequencies orders of magnitude higher than the grid frequency. This allows for accurately measuring phase shifts, zero-crossings, and other characteristics of power signals. These can be used as building blocks for phase-cut dimming, safety features, anomaly detection, or even appliance recognition.


High-power switching and dimming

Crownstone Labs can provide high-power switching and dimming solutions. There are several power switch topologies available. For instance, we’ve used very extensively in the field, a bistable relay from Panasonic, together with a relay driver, a NUD3112, to be precise.

Regarding dimming, Crownstone has expertise in designing gate driver solutions with a variety of IGBTs and MOSFETs and a variety of measures (different ways of clamping, etc.) to protect those components.


Optimized wireless solutions

At Crownstone Labs we have experience with different types of antennas such as ceramic, PCB, and metal (ProANT) as well as with different processors. We exploit the hardware capabilities of wireless solutions in-depth, be it low-power communication, directional information for localization, or optimization for mesh functionality.
