Crownstone Labs designs top-notch smart products to accelerate your brand!

Crownstone builds your solutions

The future is wireless

At Crownstone Labs we do have experts on Bluetooth Low Energy, Bluetooth Mesh, Matter, and many other protocols. Our favorite chipsets are by Nordic thanks to their excellent support. The nRF53 series supports also Bluetooth direction finding, long range, NFC, and Thread, Zigbee, Matter. The nRF91 series supports NB-IoT/LTE-M.


A smarter device is a better device

Sustainability, comfort, efficiency, without sensing what’s wrong with the current situation, our systems are blind. Crownstone Labs contributes state-of-the-art technology across the board. Efficient power supplies, wireless battery-free solutions, sophisticated integrations, machine learning on the edge, these are technologies we love to put our forces behind.


Crownstone Labs is the R&D organization behind Crownstone. More information about Crownstone itself can be found on our company website.